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Main Yard
Arthur Trovei and Sons, Inc - 82 Sleepyhollow Road, Sparrowbush, NY 12780
Used truck and trailer sales headquarters, scrap metal recycling yard, used truck parts yard, and used trailer and overseas container sales and rentals

Sleepy Hollow Lot
81 Sleepyhollow Road Sparrowbush, NY 12780
Truck, trailer, and equipment display lot

Route 97 Lot
361 Route 97, Sparrowbush, NY, 12780
Truck, trailer, and equipment display lot

King Street Lot
76 - 71 King Street, Port Jervis, NY 12771
Truck, trailer, and equipment display lot, also 10,000 square feet of warehouse space available for rent

US Route 6 Lot
126 Route 6, Port Jervis, NY 12771
Equipment display lot

Arthur Trovei & Sons, Inc.
P.O. Box 777 | 82 Sleepy Hollow Road
Sparrow Bush, NY 12780
Office: 1-800-755-8655 | 845-856-1142
WhatsApp: EN 845-239-7987 | ES 845-421-8029
Fax: (845) 856-6525 - Email Us!