While our company does not offer financing, we can suggest companies that do. The following companies should be able to work with you to fund your purchase from Arthur Trovei & Sons, Inc.
List your financing company with us today! E-mail Steve for details: steve@trovei.com
Funding truck, trailer, and equipment deals since 2010. Challenged credit is OK. Owner/Operators – Our Specialty. Contact Ron Coccodrilli with Perry Funding at 301-491-0271 or e-mail them at ron@perryfunding.net or visit them online HERE. listed 02/01/2025
If you are looking to buy your next truck or your first truck, Contact Jonathan Schonberg with Pelagic Equipment Finance at 203-275-6179 or e-mail them at jschon@pelagicef.com or visit them online HERE. listed 11/01/2024
Contact Jordan Scharf with Always Capital at 610-637-9839 or e-mail them at jordan@alwayscapital.com or visit them online at AlwaysCapital.com.
Since H.I.L. Financial is a direct lender and full-service syndicator, we can offer the most comprehensive and competitive equipment financing programs in the nation. Contact Kelly Gabriel with HIL Financial at 877-298-4676 ext. 204 or e-mail them at Kelly@HILFinancial.com, visit them at http://www.hilfinancial.com/.
Contact Anthony Olenio with Beacon Hill Funding at 781-428-4078 / 888-853-1325 x15 or e-mail them at aolenio@beaconhillfunding.com or visit them online at beaconhillfunding.com. You can fill out an application here:Application
Contact Derek Anniston with American Leasing & Financial at 888-475-AEFS or e-mail them at derek@americanEFS.com or visit them online at americanefs.com. You can fill out an application here: Application
Contact Corey Stansbury with SLS Financial at 800-467-3111 or fill out the lease application online
Contact Michael DeGroat with Navitas Credit Corp at 800-422-1844 or e-mail them at sveinfo@navitascredit.com. You can visit them at their website navitascredit.com/
Contact Lisette Johnson with Integra Funding Solutions at 866-552-8536. Visit them at IntegraFunding.com
Contact Patrick Dawson with CapStar Corporation at 813-594-1111. E-mail them at pdawson@capstarcorp.com Visit them at Capstarcorp.com
Contact Billy Reitman with Intek Leasing at 973-403-7788. Intek Leasing is a dedicated lender for purchases of heavy duty trucks and equipment. Intek offers financing for a wide variety of equipment types, including: Medical Equipment, Construction Equipment, Recycling/Shredding Equipment, Office Equipment, and more.
Contact Lou Frignito with Oakmont Capital Services at 610-880-3359 or e-mail them at lfrignito@oakmontfinance.com. Work with our team of experts and grow your business. Speak with our Certified Lease & Finance Professionals today to learn more.
Contact Jeffrey Fields with First Pacific Funding at 425-487-2662 or e-mail them at jeffreyf@firstpacificfunding.com. We provide financing to companies for new or used business equipment and technology. Whether you’re an equipment dealer who needs a leasing partner to fund your customers or a business owner looking to lease your next piece of equipment, FPF has the expertise and support to help you succeed.
Arthur Trovei & Sons, Inc.
P.O. Box 777 | 82 Sleepy Hollow Road SparrowBush, NY 12780
Office: 1-800-755-8655 | 845-856-1142
WhatsApp: EN 845-239-7987 | ES 845-421-8029
Fax: (845) 856-6525 - Email Us!